Thursday, April 23, 2009

What should a TV Ad do...

TV commercials are more about Branding than they are about selling. There's a definite purpose for each Ad created, but there are few basic motives that an Ad should fulfill. Here is a list of criteria that a TV Ad should fulfill 

1. Create interest (about the product, service, idea, cause)
The Ad should leave the viewer with an itch to 'check the stuff out'. Even when he is not in immediate need of the product, it should get registered in his memory. 

2. Entertain (Because it would show up over and over)
Since the commercial shows up over and over, it should have some entertainment value. A kind of repeatability. If an Ad is interesting, but doesn't entertain, it's sure to repel the viewers soon enough. 

3. Branding (It should establish/aid unaided Brand recall)
At the end viewer should not only be amused by the Ad, he should also be able to remember the Brand. An interesting and entertaining Ad makes a nice watch, but without Branding, its a waste of resources.  

4. Clarity (It should clearly state the USP/Message)
This is important for 'selling instinct' part of the Ad. The message should be crystal clear. It's good to be interesting and great to be entertaining but if the focus is not on the message, it can never do the right Branding, and ofcourse will never be able to sell.

Here's an example of near perfect Ad:

  1) Creates curiosity 
  2) Emotionally stimulating and hence can be watched over and over without getting bored 
  3) Perfectly puts in the 'recall instinct'. Next time you want a fireproof cable, you just know it. 
  4) Even a kid will 'Get it'.  

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